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Friday, December 12, 2014

Guru Peyarchi 2015 Rasi palan Horoscope Astrology

This is Guru peyarchi 2015 Palangal Tamil language predictions for Guru transit or Jupiter transit 2015 horoscope astrology predictions for 2015 to 2016. People are eagerly weighting for when is guru peyarchi 2015? This is the predictions for next guru peyarchi 2015 year.
Guru peyarchi 2015 Date:  14th July 2015

Guru peyarchi 2015 Date:  14th July 2015

Guru peyarchi 2015 mesha rasi palan:Jupiter is going to change its place to the 5th house of Aries rasi. The transit of Jupiter in this house is going to prove very beneficial for Aries people. Chances of getting good news from family are very high. Success will be at your doorstep and you need to enjoy the fruit of your efforts. Those who are in business will enjoy huge success as a result of Jupiter transit. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 for rishaba rasi palanagal: 
The people under Taurus rasi also will enjoy best days during Jupiter transit. The transit is going to give best results for you. The life will change and be ready to enjoy each moment of life. Chances of big purchase like house or vehicle are high. Financial flow will increase. 

Guru peyarchi mithuna rasi palan 2015: 
The Jupiter is transiting in the third house of your rasi which will prove much beneficial for you. Whatever bad fortune you have faced till is going to wash off during this year. Sudden change in career will be profitable for you. Your efforts and hard work will be appreciated by everyone. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 Kataka rasi palan: 
Financially the year will be fabulous for you. Sudden hike in financial position will change your life completely. Expenditures will be high during this month. You will get good news like marriage or child birth from your family members. High social status will lead you towards the popularity. 

Guru peyarchi Simha rasi palan 2015: 
Jupiter is entering in the first house of your rashi. This is going to prove a big planet transit of this year 2015. The life will be good for you. Happiness will knock your door after this transit. Some auspicious activities will take place in family. Monetary position will change positively. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 for kanni rasi palan: 
The Jupiter is going to move in your 12th house which can prove troublesome for you. The transit results will be negative for your rashi. Work stress will be more but success will be far away from you. You may have to face some conflicts at your work place. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 thula rasi palan : 
Jupiter will transit in your 11th house which will prove profitable for you. Friends and family will be much supportive for you. Your good luck will show you the great success in your career. Spend some time for religious activities. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 for Viruchigam: 
The Jupiter transit in 10th house of your rashi will show you good results. Business people can hope for good days and success in business. Business expansion is predicted. New business plans will receive a huge success. Business tours are predicted. 

Guru peyarchi Dhanusu Rasi Palan 2015: 
The Jupiter transit in the 9th house of Sagittarius will bring lots of positive changes in your life. A new confidence level will help you to gain a huge success in your career. The time is very good for the positive growth in your career. Family life will be supportive. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 makara rasi Palan: 
The Jupiter transit in 8th house will not be much positive for you. Some health problem will disturb your life. A chance of getting cheated by close people is predicted. Avoid investing in any new business plan. 

Guru peyarchi 2015 Kumbha rasi palangal: 
The transit of Jupiter in 7th place of your rashi will prove beneficial for you. New job opportunities will give you lots of benefits. Those who are waiting for marriage can start for their marriage preparations as the year is going to offer you best marriage proposals. 

Guru peyarchi Meenam 2015 rasi Palan: 
The transit of Jupiter in the 6th house of Pisces will bring success in your life. Your hard work will be rewarded accordingly. Long pending legal work will get completed successfully.