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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in Tamil rasi palan astrology

When is next Sani peyarchi : 26TH January 2017.

This is sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil predictions rasi palan Saturn transit is not considered good for all the rashis. This transit will prove unfavorable for the Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius rashi. But not to worry much as the transit is going to take place in Guru’s house and this will give you success in many other fields. It is said that the Saturn transit will show its effects on each and every field. Let’s try to find out what are the positive as well as negative effects sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in Tamil Mesha Rasi

Next sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017.  The placement of Saturn in your eighth house is not considered good but in some fields it shows you the way to the success. Your financial position will be better this year and you will be able to pay old debts. In job and career you may get overloaded with work and that can cause little bit of stressful condition but the final success will be in your hand. Small family trips are predicted but be alert about your belongings during the journey.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Rishaba Rasi:

Sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017. The Saturn has moved in the seventh house of your rashi. This is the lucky house for your rashi and the placement of Saturn is also going to prove lucky for you. Chances of marriage, sudden property gain, lottery prize etc are predicted. But if you are engaged in career related to educational field then you have to be very alert during this period. Also you need to be very careful while driving or during the long journeys. Also you may face some digestion related problems. Friends and relatives will prove beneficial for you during this period.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Mithuna  Rasi:

Sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017. The placement of Saturn is going to prove extremely lucky for you. This is going to prove the best time of your life. You can achieve high success during this period. Those who are in jobs can expect high promotions or better job opportunities.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Kataka Rasi:

Sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017. The entry of Saturn in fifth house is the end of your problems. Saturn will remove all the difficulties from your path and you can get the path towards success. Long business tours are predicted during this period and new business contacts are going to prove very beneficial for your rashi. You will get good news from children. Also it is the time to maintain good health. Old health problems will vanish off. Along with the positive results, some negative sides also you need to face.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil  Simha rasi

The transit of Saturn in the fourth house of your rashi will show you mixed results. The support of Jupiter will reduce the negative effects of Saturn transit. You will get good business opportunities during this period. The work load will be more but you will achieve grand success in the end. Business rivals will try to be a hurdle in the path of your success but try to give your best.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Kanni Rasi:

The Saturn transit in the third house of your rashi will give you favorable fruits. Those who are waiting for marriage can get suitable life partner during this year. Religious events will take place in the family. Those who are searching for better job opportunities, will get chance to go abroad. It is a very good time to start a new business even.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Tula Rasi:

In November 2014, Saturn has entered the second house of your rashi. Sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017 it moves to next place. This transit will show you mixed results. The positive side of this transit is larger than the negative sides. The time is very good for the students. They can achieve a huge success during this period. The seniors at your work place will appreciate your work.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil vrischika rasi

In the month of November 2014 the Saturn has entered in the first house of your rashi. In Sani peyarchi 26TH January 2017 it moves to second house. But you don’t need to be much afraid. The celebration events like marriage and child birth will take place in your family. Those who are planning for own business can hope for success during this period. Partnership business will be successful. The support of friends and relatives will be useful. 

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Dhanusu Rasi:

The transit of Saturn in the twelfth house of your rashi will bring you satisfactory results. The period is very good for family life. You can hope for a sudden property gain. You can achieve a high social respect. The family life will be cheerful and supportive. The job seekers will get better opportunity

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil  Makara Rasi:

The transit of Saturn in the eleventh house of your rashi is going to prove very lucky for you. Your all wishes will get fulfilled during this time. You can achieve grand success in the career field. You will take part in some religious moments. Saturn move makes the wedding bells to ring.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Kumbha Rasi:

The Saturn transit in the tenth house of your rashi will bring good fortune for you. You will be able to achieve victory on your rivals. You can enjoy a high social status during this period. The financial status will increase remarkably. If you are planning to start new business then this is the perfect time for it. Purchase of land of house is predicted.

Sani peyarchi 2017 to 2020 in tamil Meena Rasi:

The transit of Saturn in the ninth house of your rashi will show you mixed results. The family support will be remarkable. Events like marriage will take place in the family. You will purchase assets like house or properties. Unemployed people will get suitable job opportunity.

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